Minimum Maximal Matching
We show how to solve the minimum maximal matching problem using JijZept and JijModeling. This problem is also mentioned in 4.5. Minimal Maximal Matching on Lucas, 2014, "Ising formulations of many NP problems".
What is Minimum Maximal Matching?
The minimum maximal matching is a matching problem in graphs, where the matching is a set of edges in a graph that do not share any vertices with each other.
We assume that we have an undirected graph and that is a “coloring” of vertices. The constraints on are given as follows. For each edge in , we color the two vertices it connects to be the same. We then promise that no two edges in share a same vertex and that if , where is the set of vertices that are connected to any edge in . This is maximal in the sense that we cannot add any more edge to without violating the first constraint while we must include all edges between uncolored vertices as long as they do not violate the first constraint; i.e. the empty set is not allowed. Such a coloring is the minimum when and only when the number of edges in is the smallest possible.
For example, consider that we have a graph , where and where . To find a maximal matching, we first have the empty set as a matching. Then, we add edges to the matching until we cannot add any more edge without violating the constraints. In such a small problem, one may be able to find the minimum maximal matching with some trials and errors. Indeed the minimum maximal matching for this graph is .
Mathematical model
A binary variable denotes whether or not the edge is colored; the edge is colored if is 1, and vice versa. We also introduce a binary variable that denotes whether or not the vertex is included in the matching ( in the above statements); the vertex is connected to a edge in if , and vice versa.
Constraint 1: relationship between and
By definition, the condition below obviously holds.
where is the set of edges that are connected to the vertex .
Constraint 2: every unselected edge is connected to at least one vertex connected to a selected edge
To formulate this we use a basic observation: is 0 if is connected to a selected edge, and vice versa. Then, by counting for all , we can check the violation of the constraint; i.e. if for any , the edge can be selected without violating the constraints.
Objective function: minimize the size of the matching
The size here means the number of edges selected.
Modeling by JijModeling
Next, we show how to implement above equations using JijModeling. We first define the variables in the mathematical model described above.
import jijmodeling as jm
# define variables
V = jm.Placeholder('V')
E = jm.Placeholder('E', ndim=2)
num_E = E.shape[0]
x = jm.BinaryVar('x', shape=(num_E,))
y = jm.BinaryVar('y', shape=(V,))
v = jm.Element('v', V)
e = jm.Element('e', num_E)
The constraints and the objective function are written as:
problem = jm.Problem('Minimum Maximal Matching')
problem += jm.Constraint('y_x_relation', y[v] - jm.sum((e, (E[e][0]==v)|(E[e][1]==v)), x[e]) == 0 ,forall=v)
problem += jm.Constraint('unselected_edge', jm.sum(e, (1-y[E[e][0]])*(1-y[E[e][1]]))==0)
problem += x[:].sum()
On Jupyter Notebook, one can check the problem statement in a human-readable way by hitting
Prepare an instance
Here we use the same instance with an example described above.
import networkx as nx
# set empty graph
inst_G = nx.Graph()
V = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
# add edges
inst_E = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]
# get the number of nodes
inst_V = list(inst_G.nodes)
num_V = len(inst_V)
instance_data = {'V': num_V, 'E': inst_E}
This graph is shown below.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pos = nx.spring_layout(inst_G)
nx.draw_networkx(inst_G, pos=pos, with_labels=True)
Solve by JijZept's SA
We solve this problem using JijSASampler.
We also turn on a parameter search function by setting search=True
import jijzept as jz
# set sampler
sampler = jz.JijSASampler(config="../../../config.toml")
# solve problem
multipliers = {"y_x_relation": 0.5, "unselected_edge": 0.5}
response = sampler.sample_model(problem, instance_data, multipliers=multipliers, search=True)
Visualize the solution
The optimized solution can be seen as below.
import numpy as np
# get sampleset
sampleset = response.get_sampleset()
# extract feasible samples
feasible_samples = sampleset.feasibles()
# get the values of feasible objectives
feasible_objectives = [sample.eval.objective for sample in feasible_samples]
if len(feasible_objectives) == 0:
print("No feasible sample found ...")
# get the index of lowest value of feasible objectives
lowest_index = np.argmin(feasible_objectives)
# get the lowest solution
lowest_solution = feasible_samples[lowest_index].var_values
# get the indices of x == 1
x_indices = [key[0] for key in lowest_solution["x"].values.keys()]
# get the indices of y == 1
y_indices = [key[0] for key in lowest_solution["y"].values.keys()]
# set color list for visualization
cmap = plt.get_cmap("tab10")
# set vertex color
vertex_colors = [cmap(1) if i in y_indices else cmap(0) for i in inst_V]
# set edge color list
edge_colors = ["red" if j in x_indices else "black" for j, _ in enumerate(instance_data["E"])]
# dwaw the figure with two subplots
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
# plot the initial graph
nx.draw_networkx(inst_G, pos, with_labels=True, ax=ax1)
ax1.set_title('Initial Graph')
ax1.set_frame_on(False) # Remove the frame from the first subplot
# plot the minimum maximal matching graph
nx.draw_networkx(inst_G, pos=pos, node_color=vertex_colors, edge_color=edge_colors, with_labels=True)
ax2.set_title('Minimum Maximal Matching Graph')
# Show the plot
As expected, we have obtained the minimum maximal matching graph.