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Dynamic Asset Allocation with Expected Shortfall


The probability of not reaching a target asset amount or investment return on an investment is called shortfall risk. Introducing a measure of expected shortfall risk in portfolio optimization makes it possible to consider returns even in extreme models where the market moves dynamically. Xu et al. (2023) treated target returns as constraints in the Markowitz portfolio optimization model and proposed an iterative algorithm that dynamically adjusts target returns to meet target shortfalls. In this article, we use JijModeling and JijZept to implement this algorithm.

Dynamic Asset Allocation

The dynamic asset allocation problem is the problem of allocating/investing funds in NN assets to meet expected returns while keeping risk below a given threshold. A N×DtotalN \times D_\mathrm{total} matrix RR representing the returns are obtained from the finance data. NN is the number of stocks to be covered and DtotalD_\mathrm{total} is the number of days data are collected. We divide RR into the period of TT days and index the data for each time period. For example, RtR_t represents the return data from tt-th period. μt\mu_t is the mean value calculated from RtR_t. Using these quantities, the covariance matrix of tt-th period CtC_t is calculated as

Ct,i,j=(eiRtμt,i1)(ejRtμt,j1)T1(1)C_{t, i, j} = \frac{(\mathbf{e}_i^\top R_t - \mu^\top_{t, i} \mathbf{1}) \cdot (\mathbf{e}_j^\top R_t - \mu^\top_{t, j} \mathbf{1})}{T-1} \tag{1}

where ei\mathbf{e}_i is a column vector of all zeros except with a one at the jj-th position. Asset allocation could be a challenging problem during periods of unpredictable market turbulence. Therefore, we should set a threshold to avoid risk during those periods. The risk threshold can be set using observed market metrics from a volatile time period, for example, the 2008 market crash. Major methods of risk measurement include:

  • Volatility: the standard deviation of the portfolio return.
  • Value-at-Risk at level α\alpha: the smallest number yy such that the probability that a portfolio does not lose more than yy of total budget is at least 1α1−α.
  • Expected Shortfall at level α\alpha: the expected return from the worst α\alpha% cases.

In the following sections, we focus on the expected shortfall as our risk measurement and consider a formulation for portfolio optimization problem.

Expected Shortfall based Portfolio Optimization

The expected shortfall al level α\alpha is defined as:

ESα(wt,Rt)=mean(lowest α% from wtRt)(2)\mathrm{ES}_\alpha (w_t, R_t) = \mathrm{mean}(\mathrm{lowest} \ \alpha \% \ \mathrm{from} \ w_t^\top R_t) \tag{2}

where the weight vector wtw_t indicates what fraction of the budget is invested in each asset in the ttth period. We minimize the expected shortfall, which is the worst-case average. Therefore, portfolio optimization considering expected shortfall becomes a problem of minimizing the expected shortfall ESα\mathrm{ES}_\alpha under the constraints that the expected return is satisfied, the variance of the portfolio is small, and all assets are invested. However, the expected shortfall cannot be expressed by a quadratic formulation natively. If we reformulate it to QUBO, it is necessary to introduce new auxiliary variables. Therefore, to avoid this difficulty, we treat the expected shortfall as the convergence criterion. To do this approach, assuming that the assets’ historical returns follow a Gaussian distribution, we can approximate the expected shortfall of a given portfolio PP by

ESα(P)=μ+σϕ(Φ1(α))1α(3)\mathrm{ES}_\alpha (P) = \mu + \sigma \frac{\phi (\Phi^{-1} (\alpha))}{1-\alpha} \tag{3}

where μ\mu is the expected return, σ\sigma is the volatility of the portfolio, and ϕ(x)\phi(x) and Φ(x)\Phi(x) are the Gaussian probability distribution and cumulative distribution functions, respectively.
We use this criterion as the market risk. For example, if the risk is small, we make a slightly larger investment to get a larger return. Conversely, during periods of market turbulence and high risk, we take a lower risk of losing money in exchange for a smaller return. In order to dynamically vary returns in accordance with the expected shortfall for a given period, Xu et al. (2023) proposed the following algorithm.

Algorithm: Expected Shortfall based Dynamic Asset Allocation during period tt
Input: μt,Rt,σref,σref,t,ESref,α\mu_t, R_t, \sigma_\mathrm{ref}, \sigma_{\mathrm{ref}, t}, \mathrm{ES}_\mathrm{ref}, \alpha
Output: wtw_t
1: pt=mean(μt)p_t = \mathrm{mean} (\mu_t). // Initialize the target return
2: ESTt=σrefσref,tESref\mathrm{EST}_t = \frac{\sigma_\mathrm{ref}}{\sigma_{\mathrm{ref}, t}} \mathrm{ES}_\mathrm{ref}. // Initialize the target expected shortfall
3: Ct=cov(Rt)C_t = \mathrm{cov}(R_t) // Compute the co-variance matrix from the returns
4: while True do:
5: if pt>max(μt)p_t > \max (\mu_t):
6: return 0. // Return constraint cannot be satisfied
7: wtw_t = Markowitz(μt,Ct,pt\mu_t, C_t, p_t). // Solve Markowitz formulation with annealing
8: ESt=ESα(wt,Rt)\mathrm{ES}_t = \mathrm{ES}_\alpha (w_t, R_t). // Compute the expected shortfall using eq.(2)
9: if EStESTt>1+ϵ\frac{\mathrm{ES}_t}{\mathrm{EST}_t} > 1 + \epsilon:
10: pt=pt(1δ)p_t = p_t (1-\delta). // Decrease target return for lower risks
11: else if: EStESTt<1ϵ\frac{\mathrm{ES}_t}{\mathrm{EST}_t} < 1-\epsilon
12: pt=pt(1+δ)p_t = p_t (1+\delta). // Increase target return as there is room for more risks
13: else:
14: return wtw_t

where σref\sigma_\mathrm{ref} is the volatility of a reference asset's returns during the market crash in 2008. σref,t\sigma_{\mathrm{ref}, t} is the volatility of the reference asset's returns during the tt-th period. ESref\mathrm{ES}_\mathrm{ref} is the reference asset's expected shortfall during the market crash. ESTt\mathrm{EST}_t is the target expected shortfall at the tt-th period. α\alpha is the risk level parameter. ESt\mathrm{ES}_t is the expected shortfall for the computed portfolio during the optimization process at tt-th period. ϵ\epsilon is the error tolerance parameter, and δ\delta is the momentum parameter that is adjusted dynamically. The Markowitz optimization problem can be expressed by the quadratic optimization problem as:

minwwtCtwts.t.μtwtptiwt,i=1,wt,i0(i)(4)\begin{align} \min_w & \quad w_t^\top C_t w_t \\ \mathrm{s.t.} & \quad \mu_t^\top w_t \geq p_t \\ & \quad \sum_i w_{t, i} = 1, \quad w_{t, i} \geq 0 \quad (\forall i) \end{align} \tag{4}

For simplicity, we set wt,iw_{t, i} are binary variables in {0,1}\{0, 1\}. From the constraint iwt,i=1\sum_i w_{t, i} = 1, we concentrate our assets in one stock, and aim the return is always greater than ptp_t.

Let's coding!

Here, we implement a script that solves this problem using JijModeling and JijZept.

Defining variables

We define the variables for eq.(4).

import jijmodeling as jm

# define variables
N = jm.Placeholder('N')
p = jm.Placeholder('p')
mu = jm.Placeholder('mu', ndim=1)
C = jm.Placeholder('C', ndim=2)
w = jm.BinaryVar('w', shape=(N, ))
i = jm.Element('i', belong_to=N)
j = jm.Element('j', belong_to=N)

N is the total number of stocks, p is the lower liimit of return ptp_t, mu is the return μt\mu_t for each stock, and C is the covariance matrix CtC_t. w is the binary variable for optimization, and i and j are the indices, respectively.

Implementing Markowitz formulation

Next, we implement Markowitz mathematical model eq.(3).

# set a problem
problem = jm.Problem('shortfall')
# constraint 1: ensure the target return
problem += jm.Constraint('return', jm.sum(i, mu[i]*w[i])>=p)
# constraint 2: buy a stock
problem += jm.Constraint('onehot', jm.sum(i, w[i])==1)
# objective function: minimize variance
problem += jm.sum([i, j], C[i, j]*w[i]*w[j])

We generate a problem with Problem and then implement two constraints with Constraint. We can implement the sum in two subscripts at once by using sum([i, j], ...).
With Jupyter Notebook, we can check the mathematical model implemented.

Problem:shortfallmini=0N1j=0N1Ci,jwiwjs.t.onehoti=0N1wi=1returni=0N1muiwipwherew1-dim binary variable\begin{array}{cccc}\text{Problem:} & \text{shortfall} & & \\& & \min \quad \displaystyle \sum_{i = 0}^{N - 1} \sum_{j = 0}^{N - 1} C_{i, j} \cdot w_{i} \cdot w_{j} & \\\text{{s.t.}} & & & \\ & \text{onehot} & \displaystyle \sum_{i = 0}^{N - 1} w_{i} = 1 & \\ & \text{return} & \displaystyle \sum_{i = 0}^{N - 1} mu_{i} \cdot w_{i} \geq p & \\\text{{where}} & & & \\& w & 1\text{-dim binary variable}\\\end{array}

Solving with JijZept

We solve Markowitz portfolio optimization using simulated annealing approach with JijZept.

import jijzept as jz

# set sampler
sampler = jz.JijSASampler(config='../config.toml')
# set multipliers
multipliers = {'return': 1.0, 'onehot': 1.0}

In this problem, we have two constraints. Therefore, we specify each multiplier in dictionary type.
Next, we implement subroutines to execute the algorithm proposed by Xu et al. (2023).

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

# a function to compute reference vlatility and expected shortfall
def compute_reference(ref_asset, ref_start_date, ref_end_date, alpha):
ref_data = web.DataReader(ref_asset, ref_start_date, ref_end_date)['Close']
ref_volatility = ref_data.std()
ref_mean = ref_data.mean()
ref_expected_shortfall = ref_mean + ref_volatility * norm.pdf(norm.ppf(alpha)) / (1-alpha)
return ref_volatility, ref_expected_shortfall

# a function to extract a solution from results
def extract_solution(results, N):
# get feasible solutions
feasibles = results.feasible()
if feasibles.evaluation.objective == []:
print('No feasibles solution')
# get values of objective function
objs = feasibles.evaluation.objective
# get the index of minimum objective value
min_obj_index = np.argmin(objs)
# get solution
w = feasibles.record.solution['w'][min_obj_index]
# convert solution to binary vector
list_index = w[0][0]
list_binary = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
list_binary[list_index] = 1
return list_binary

# solve Markowitz optimization problem
def solve_markowitz(instance_data):
# compute SA with JijZept
results = sampler.sample_model(problem, instance_data, multipliers, search=True, num_reads=100)
w_t = extract_solution(results, instance_data['N'])
return w_t

# compute expected shortfall from result of Markowitz optimization
def compute_shortfall(alpha, w, ret, vol):
es =, ret) +, vol) * norm.pdf(norm.ppf(alpha)) / (1-alpha)
return es

compute_reference is a function that computes the volatility σref\sigma_\mathrm{ref} and expected shortfall ESref\mathrm{ES}_\mathrm{ref} of the reference data, solve_markowitz is for solving the otimization problem eq.(3). extract_solution is a function that extracts the feasible and smallest objective solution from the result of solve_markowitz, and converts that solution to a binary vector. Lastly, compute_shortfall computes the expected shortfall using the portfolio obtained from solve_markowitz. Utilizing these subroutines, we implement the algorithm from Xu et al. (2023).

import datetime
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import as web

# set input parameters, alpha, delta and eps
alpha = 0.99
delta = 0.1
eps = 0.25
# set start and end date for reference data
ref_start_date =, month=1, day=1)
ref_end_date =, month=1, day=1)
# compute volatility and expected shortfall from reference data
ref_volatility, ref_expected_shortfall = compute_reference('SPY', ref_start_date, ref_end_date, alpha)
# set the name of assets
list_assets = ['SPY', 'EEM', 'QQQ', 'SLV', 'SQQQ', 'XLF',
ref_asset_t = list_assets[0]
# set start date for data and date interval
start_date_t =, month=1, day=1)
dt = 14
# set the number of iteration
iteration = 6
# initialize lists for final results
list_results = []
list_shortfall = []
list_return = []
list_target = []
# main loop
for _ in range(iteration):
# set end date
end_date_t = start_date_t + datetime.timedelta(days=dt)
# get reference stock data
ref_data_for_volatility_t = web.DataReader(ref_asset_t, start_date_t, end_date_t)['Close']
# compute volatility
ref_volatility_t = ref_data_for_volatility_t.std()
# compute target expected shortfall
target_expected_shortfall_t = ref_volatility / ref_volatility_t * ref_expected_shortfall
# initialize dataframe
data_assets = pd.DataFrame()
for asset in list_assets:
# get stock data and concat
data = web.DataReader(asset, start_date_t, end_date_t).rename(columns={'Close': asset})
data_assets = pd.concat([data_assets, data[asset]], axis=1)
# if nan exists, drop
data_assets_dropna = data_assets.dropna(how='any')
# compute mean
mean_t = data_assets_dropna.mean(axis=0).values
# compute covariant matrix
cov_t = data_assets_dropna.cov().values
# compute volatility
volatility_t = data_assets.std().values
# get the number of assets
N = len(list_assets)
# normalize mean, covariant matrix, and pt
mean_t_normalize = mean_t / mean_t.max()
cov_t_normalize = cov_t / cov_t.max()
p_t_normalize = mean_t_normalize.mean()
instance_data = {'N': N, 'p': p_t_normalize, 'mu': mean_t_normalize, 'C': cov_t_normalize}
while True:
w_t = solve_markowitz(instance_data)
if p_t_normalize > max(mean_t_normalize):
print('Caution!!! Return constraint cannot be satisfied!!!')
expected_shortfall_from_markowitz = compute_shortfall(alpha, w_t, mean_t, volatility_t)
if abs(expected_shortfall_from_markowitz) / abs(target_expected_shortfall_t) > 1 + eps:
instance_data['p'] *= 1 - delta
# elif abs(expected_shortfall_from_markowitz) / abs(target_expected_shortfall_t) < 1 - eps:
# instance_data['p'] *= 1 + delta
start_date_t = end_date_t

Visualizing result

We plot the obtained result.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

list_final_ret = [, y) for x, y in zip(list_results, list_return)]
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ln1 = ax1.plot(list_final_ret, color='green', label='Return')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ln2 = ax2.plot(list_shortfall, color='indigo', label='Expected shortfall')
ln3 = ax2.plot(list_target, color='dodgerblue', label='Target shortfall')
h1, l1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
h2, l2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(h1+h2, l1+l2, loc='lower left')

In the last period 5, the target shortfall is decreasing. The portfolio is chosen so that the expected shortfall decrease accordingly, resulting in a smaller return.
